1. s. An item of kitchen furniture, like a cabinet with shelves, for storing crockery or utensils.
2. s. An item of bedroom furniture, like a low chest of drawers, often with a mirror.
3. s. One who dresses in a particular way.
He's a very snappy dresser.
4. s. A wardrobe assistant in a theatre (who helps actors put on their costume).
5. s. A servant to royalty etc. who helps them with tasks such as dressing.
6. s. (medicine) A surgeon's assistant who helps to dress wounds etc.
7. s. (UK) A football hooligan who wears designer clothing; a casual.
8. s. A mechanical device used in grain mills for bolting.
9. s. (dated) A table or bench on which meat and other things are dressed, or prepared for use.
10. s. (mining) A kind of pick for shaping large coal.
11. s. One who dresses or prepares stone.
chest of drawers
chest of drawers
1. s. A piece of furniture which has multiple parallel, horizontal drawers stacked one above each other, used mainly for the storage of clean clothes.
1. s. Escritorio.
2. s. Oficina, despacho.
3. s. Departamento o división de una intitución gubernamental.
1. s. An administrative unit of government; office.
2. s. An organization or office for collecting or providing information or news.
a news bureau; a travel bureau; a service bureau; an employment bureau; the Citizens Advice Bureau
3. s. An office (room where clerical or professional duties are performed).
4. s. (chiefly British) A desk, usually with a cover and compartments that are located above the level of the writing surface rather than underneath, and often used for storing papers.
5. s. (US) A chest of drawers for clothes.
1. s. A low chest of drawers on short legs.
2. s. A stand for a washbowl and jug.
3. s. (euphemistic) A chair containing a chamber pot.
4. s. (euphemistic) A toilet.
5. s. (historical) A kind of woman's headdress, raising the hair and fore part of the cap to a great height.
1. s. Pecho.
2. s. Arcón, cofre.
3. s. Tesorería, fondos.
4. s. Cómoda.
1. s. A box, now usually a large strong box with a secure convex lid.
The clothes are kept in a chest.
2. s. (obsolete) A coffin.
3. s. The place in which public money is kept; a treasury.
You can take the money from the chest.
4. s. A chest of drawers.
5. s. (anatomy) The portion of the front of the human body from the base of the neck to the top of the abdomen; the thorax. Also the analogous area in other animals.
She had a sudden pain in her chest.
6. s. A hit or blow made with one's chest.
He scored with a chest into the goal.
7. v. To hit with one's chest (front of one's body)
8. v. To deposit in a chest.
9. v. (transitive, obsolete) To place in a coffin.
10. s. Debate; quarrel; strife; enmity.
1. s. an office
2. s. a desk, usually with a cover and compartments for storing papers etc. located above the level of the writing surface rather than underneath.
3. s. (US) a Chest of drawers for clothes
dressing table
dressing table
1. s. A low table or chest of drawers with a mirror at which one sits while dressing, applying makeup or similar tasks.