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La palabra inglés para hoja es


Definición inglesa

     1. n-f. leaf (usually green and flat organ that is the most prominent feature of most vegetative plants)
     2. n-f. petal (an often brightly coloured component of the corolla of a flower)
     3. n-f. blade (narrow leaf of a grass or cereal)
     4. n-f. pad (floating leaf of a water lily or similar plant)
     5. n-f. sheet, leaf (piece of paper, usually rectangular)
     6. n-f. page (one of the many pieces of paper bound together within a book)
     7. n-f. form (blank document or template to be filled in by the user)
     8. n-f. foil
     9. n-f. blade (sharp cutting edge of a knife, sword, etc.)
     10. n-f. pane (individual sheet of glass in a window)
     11. n-f. side (of bacon)

Traducciones de hoja y sus definiciones

     1. s. Hoja

     1. s. Sábana.
     2. s. Hoja.
     3. s. Lámina.

     1. s. Hoja, filo, cuchillo
     2. s. Espada
     3. s. Pala
     4. s. Aspa

piece of paper

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