12. adj. Propio o relacionado con los deberes clericales.
13. adj. Que esta escrito en papel.
14. adj. Que sólo existe en documentos o en teoría.
1. s. A sheet material used for writing on or printing on (or as a non-waterproof container), usually made by draining cellulose fibres from a suspension in water.
2. s. A newspaper or anything used as such (such as a newsletter or listing magazine).
3. s. Wallpaper.
4. s. Wrapping paper.
5. s. (rock paper scissors) An open hand (a handshape resembling a sheet of paper), that beats rock and loses to scissors. It loses to lizard and beats Spock in rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spock.
6. s. A written document, generally shorter than a book (white paper, term paper), in particular one written for the Government.
7. s. A written document that reports scientific or academic research and is usually subjected to peer review before publication in a scientific journal (as a journal article or the manuscript for one) or i
8. s. A scholastic essay.
9. s. (slang) Money.
10. s. (New Zealand) A university course.
11. s. A paper packet containing a quantity of items.
a paper of pins, tacks, opium, etc.
12. s. A medicinal preparation spread upon paper, intended for external application.
cantharides paper
13. s. A substance resembling paper secreted by certain invertebrates as protection for their nests and eggs.
14. adj. Made of paper.
paper bag; paper plane
15. adj. Insubstantial (from the weakness of common paper)
paper tiger; paper gangster
16. adj. Planned (from plans being drawn up on paper)
paper rocket; paper engine
17. v. To apply paper to.
to paper the hallway walls
18. v. To document; to memorialize.
After they reached an agreement, their staffs papered it up.
19. v. To fill a theatre or other paid event with complimentary seats.
As the event has not sold well, we'll need to paper the house.