Pink | |
1. s. (slang) An operative of the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. | |
2. s. (regional) The common minnow, Phoxinus phoxinus. | |
3. s. (regional) A young Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, before it becomes a smolt; a parr. | |
4. s. (now historical) A narrow boat. | |
5. v. To decorate a piece of clothing or fabric by adding holes or by scalloping the fringe. | |
6. v. To prick with a sword. | |
7. v. To wound by irony, criticism, or ridicule. | |
8. v. To choose; to cull; to pick out. | |
9. s. A stab. | |
10. s. Any of various flowers in the genus Dianthus, sometimes called carnations. | |
This garden in particular has a beautiful bed of pinks. | |
11. s. (dated) A perfect example; excellence, perfection; the embodiment of some quality. | |
Your hat, madam, is the very pink of fashion. | |
12. s. The colour of this flower, between red and white; pale red. | |
My new dress is a wonderful shade of pink. | |
(color panel, pink, F52887) | |
13. s. Hunting pink; scarlet, as worn by hunters. | |
14. s. (snooker) One of the colour balls used in snooker, with a value of 6 points. | |
Oh dear, he's left himself snookered behind the pink. | |
15. s. (slang) An unlettered and uncultured, but relatively prosperous, member of the middle classes; compare babbitt, bourgeoisie. | |
16. s. Alternative form of pinko | |
My own guess is that there are some pinks in the State Department and in other government departments and agencies, and of course they should be found and ousted; but it seems to me that this c | |
17. adj. Having a colour between red and white; pale red. | |
18. adj. Of a fox-hunter's jacket: scarlet. | |
19. adj. Having conjunctivitis. | |
20. adj. (obsolete) By comparison to red (communist), describing someone who sympathizes with the ideals of communism without actually being a Russian-style communist: a pinko. | |
21. adj. (informal) Relating to women or girls. | |
pink-collar; pink job | |
22. adj. (informal) Relating to homosexuals as a group within society. | |
the pink economy | |
pink dollar; pink pound | |
23. v. To turn (a topaz or other gemstone) pink by the application of heat; (more generally) to turn something pink. | |
24. v. (of a motor car) To emit a high "pinking" noise, usually as a result of ill-set ignition timing for the fuel used (in a spark ignition engine). | |
25. v. (obsolete) To wink; to blink. | |
26. adj. (obsolete) Half-shut; winking. | |