pan | |
1. s. A wide, flat receptacle used around the house, especially for cooking. | |
2. s. The contents of such a receptacle. | |
3. s. A cylindrical receptacle about as tall as it is wide, with one long handle, usually made of metal, used for cooking in the home. | |
4. s. (Ireland) A deep plastic receptacle, used for washing or food preparation; a basin. | |
5. s. A wide receptacle in which gold grains are separated from gravel by washing the contents with water. | |
6. s. (geography) a specific type of lake, natural depression or basin. They are sometimes associated with desert areas. | |
7. s. Strong adverse criticism. | |
8. s. A loaf of bread. | |
9. s. (now) The chamber pot in a close stool; label, en, now the base of a toilet, consisting of the bowl and its support. | |
10. s. (slang) A human face, a mug. | |
11. s. (roofing) The bottom flat part of a roofing panel that is between the ribs of the panel. | |
12. s. A closed vessel for boiling or evaporating as part of manufacture; a vacuum pan. | |
13. s. The part of a flintlock that holds the priming. | |
14. s. The skull, considered as a vessel containing the brain; the brainpan. | |
15. s. (figurative) The brain, seen as one's intellect | |
16. s. (carpentry) A recess, or bed, for the leaf of a hinge. | |
17. s. The hard stratum of earth that lies below the soil; hardpan. | |
18. v. To wash in a pan (of earth, sand etc. when searching for gold). | |
19. v. To disparage; to belittle; to put down; to criticise severely. | |
20. v. (intransitive) With "out" (to pan out), to turn out well; to be successful. | |
21. v. (transitive, informal, of a contest) To beat one's opposition convincingly. | |
22. v. (informal) To criticize harshly a work (like a book, movie, etc.) | |
23. v. (intransitive) Of a camera, etc.: to turn horizontally. | |
24. v. (intransitive, photography) To move the camera lens angle while continuing to expose the film, enabling a contiguous view and enrichment of context. In still-photography large-group portraits the film | |
25. v. (audio) To spread a sound signal into a new stereo or multichannel sound field, typically giving the impression that it is moving across the sound stage. | |
26. s. alternative form of paan | |
27. v. To join or fit together; to unite. | |
28. s. A part; a portion. | |
29. s. (fortifications) The distance comprised between the angle of the epaule and the flanked angle. | |
30. s. A leaf of gold or silver. | |
31. adj. (informal) Pansexual. | |