Lexis Rex Inicio

Pasado de retreat

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I retreatedyo me retiré
you retreatedtú te retiraste
he retreatedél se retiró
she retreatedella se retiró
we retreatednosotros nos retiramos
you retreatedvosotros os retirasteis
they retreatedellos se retiraron
they retreatedellas se retiraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have retreatedyo me he retirado
you have retreatedtú te has retirado
he has retreatedél se ha retirado
she has retreatedella se ha retirado
we have retreatednosotros nos hemos retirado
you have retreatedvosotros os habéis retirado
they have retreatedellos se han retirado
they have retreatedellas se han retirado

Más conjugaciones para to retreatMás verbos

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