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Pasado de rewrite

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I rewroteyo reescribí
you rewrotetú reescribiste
he rewroteél reescribió
she rewroteella reescribió
we rewrotenosotros reescribimos
you rewrotevosotros reescribisteis
they rewroteellos reescribieron
they rewroteellas reescribieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have rewrittenyo he reescrito
you have rewrittentú has reescrito
he has rewrittenél ha reescrito
she has rewrittenella ha reescrito
we have rewrittennosotros hemos reescrito
you have rewrittenvosotros habéis reescrito
they have rewrittenellos han reescrito
they have rewrittenellas han reescrito

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