Lexis Rex Inicio

Pasado de stain

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I stainedyo manché
you stainedtú manchaste
he stainedél manchó
she stainedella manchó
we stainednosotros manchamos
you stainedvosotros manchasteis
they stainedellos mancharon
they stainedellas mancharon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have stainedyo he manchado
you have stainedtú has manchado
he has stainedél ha manchado
she has stainedella ha manchado
we have stainednosotros hemos manchado
you have stainedvosotros habéis manchado
they have stainedellos han manchado
they have stainedellas han manchado

Más conjugaciones para to stainMás verbos

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