Lexis Rex Inicio

Pasado de telephone

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I telephonedyo telefoneé
you telephonedtú telefoneaste
he telephonedél telefoneó
she telephonedella telefoneó
we telephonednosotros telefoneamos
you telephonedvosotros telefoneasteis
they telephonedellos telefonearon
they telephonedellas telefonearon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have telephonedyo he telefoneado
you have telephonedtú has telefoneado
he has telephonedél ha telefoneado
she has telephonedella ha telefoneado
we have telephonednosotros hemos telefoneado
you have telephonedvosotros habéis telefoneado
they have telephonedellos han telefoneado
they have telephonedellas han telefoneado

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