Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de combine

to combinecombinar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I combineyo combino
you combinetú combinas
he combinesél combina
she combinesella combina
we combinenosotros combinamos
you combinevosotros combináis
they combineellos combinan
they combineellas combinan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I combinedyo combiné
you combinedtú combinaste
he combinedél combinó
she combinedella combinó
we combinednosotros combinamos
you combinedvosotros combinasteis
they combinedellos combinaron
they combinedellas combinaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have combinedyo he combinados
you have combinedtú has combinados
he has combinedél ha combinados
she has combinedella ha combinados
we have combinednosotros hemos combinados
you have combinedvosotros habéis combinados
they have combinedellos han combinados
they have combinedellas han combinados

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had combinedyo había combinados
you had combinedtú habías combinados
he had combinedél había combinados
she had combinedella había combinados
we had combinednosotros habíamos combinados
you had combinedvosotros habíais combinados
they had combinedellos habían combinados
they had combinedellas habían combinados

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will combineyo combinaré
you will combinetú combinarás
he will combineél combinará
she will combineella combinará
we will combinenosotros combinaremos
you will combinevosotros combinaréis
they will combineellos combinarán
they will combineellas combinarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have combinedyo habré combinados
you will have combinedtú habrás combinados
he will have combinedél habrá combinados
she will have combinedella habrá combinados
we will have combinednosotros habremos combinados
you will have combinedvosotros habréis combinados
they will have combinedellos habrán combinados
they will have combinedellas habrán combinados

I would combineyo combinaría
you would combinetú combinarías
he would combineél combinaría
she would combineella combinaría
we would combinenosotros combinaríamos
you would combinevosotros combinaríais
they would combineellos combinarían
they would combineellas combinarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have combinedyo habría combinados
you would have combinedtú habrías combinados
he would have combinedél habría combinados
she would have combinedella habría combinados
we would have combinednosotros habríamos combinados
you would have combinedvosotros habríais combinados
they would have combinedellos habrían combinados
they would have combinedellas habrían combinados

Participio presenteAnotado
combining combinando

Participio pasadoAnotado
combined combinados

Más verbos

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