Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de communicate

to communicatecomulgar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I communicateyo comulgo
you communicatetú comulgas
he communicatesél comulga
she communicatesella comulga
we communicatenosotros comulgamos
you communicatevosotros comulgáis
they communicateellos comulgan
they communicateellas comulgan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I communicatedyo comulgué
you communicatedtú comulgaste
he communicatedél comulgó
she communicatedella comulgó
we communicatednosotros comulgamos
you communicatedvosotros comulgasteis
they communicatedellos comulgaron
they communicatedellas comulgaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have communicatedyo he comulgado
you have communicatedtú has comulgado
he has communicatedél ha comulgado
she has communicatedella ha comulgado
we have communicatednosotros hemos comulgado
you have communicatedvosotros habéis comulgado
they have communicatedellos han comulgado
they have communicatedellas han comulgado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had communicatedyo había comulgado
you had communicatedtú habías comulgado
he had communicatedél había comulgado
she had communicatedella había comulgado
we had communicatednosotros habíamos comulgado
you had communicatedvosotros habíais comulgado
they had communicatedellos habían comulgado
they had communicatedellas habían comulgado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will communicateyo comulgaré
you will communicatetú comulgarás
he will communicateél comulgará
she will communicateella comulgará
we will communicatenosotros comulgaremos
you will communicatevosotros comulgaréis
they will communicateellos comulgarán
they will communicateellas comulgarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have communicatedyo habré comulgado
you will have communicatedtú habrás comulgado
he will have communicatedél habrá comulgado
she will have communicatedella habrá comulgado
we will have communicatednosotros habremos comulgado
you will have communicatedvosotros habréis comulgado
they will have communicatedellos habrán comulgado
they will have communicatedellas habrán comulgado

I would communicateyo comulgaría
you would communicatetú comulgarías
he would communicateél comulgaría
she would communicateella comulgaría
we would communicatenosotros comulgaríamos
you would communicatevosotros comulgaríais
they would communicateellos comulgarían
they would communicateellas comulgarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have communicatedyo habría comulgado
you would have communicatedtú habrías comulgado
he would have communicatedél habría comulgado
she would have communicatedella habría comulgado
we would have communicatednosotros habríamos comulgado
you would have communicatedvosotros habríais comulgado
they would have communicatedellos habrían comulgado
they would have communicatedellas habrían comulgado

Participio presenteAnotado
communicating comulgando

Participio pasadoAnotado
communicated comulgado

Más verbos

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