Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de continue

to continuecontinuar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I continueyo continúo
you continuetú continúas
he continuesél continúa
she continuesella continúa
we continuenosotros continuamos
you continuevosotros continuáis
they continueellos continúan
they continueellas continúan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I continuedyo continué
you continuedtú continuaste
he continuedél continuó
she continuedella continuó
we continuednosotros continuamos
you continuedvosotros continuasteis
they continuedellos continuaron
they continuedellas continuaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have continuedyo he continuado
you have continuedtú has continuado
he has continuedél ha continuado
she has continuedella ha continuado
we have continuednosotros hemos continuado
you have continuedvosotros habéis continuado
they have continuedellos han continuado
they have continuedellas han continuado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had continuedyo había continuado
you had continuedtú habías continuado
he had continuedél había continuado
she had continuedella había continuado
we had continuednosotros habíamos continuado
you had continuedvosotros habíais continuado
they had continuedellos habían continuado
they had continuedellas habían continuado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will continueyo continuaré
you will continuetú continuarás
he will continueél continuará
she will continueella continuará
we will continuenosotros continuaremos
you will continuevosotros continuaréis
they will continueellos continuarán
they will continueellas continuarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have continuedyo habré continuado
you will have continuedtú habrás continuado
he will have continuedél habrá continuado
she will have continuedella habrá continuado
we will have continuednosotros habremos continuado
you will have continuedvosotros habréis continuado
they will have continuedellos habrán continuado
they will have continuedellas habrán continuado

I would continueyo continuaría
you would continuetú continuarías
he would continueél continuaría
she would continueella continuaría
we would continuenosotros continuaríamos
you would continuevosotros continuaríais
they would continueellos continuarían
they would continueellas continuarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have continuedyo habría continuado
you would have continuedtú habrías continuado
he would have continuedél habría continuado
she would have continuedella habría continuado
we would have continuednosotros habríamos continuado
you would have continuedvosotros habríais continuado
they would have continuedellos habrían continuado
they would have continuedellas habrían continuado

Participio presenteAnotado
continuing continuando

Participio pasadoAnotado
continued continuado

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