Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de convince

to convinceconvencer

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I convinceyo convenzo
you convincetú convences
he convincesél convence
she convincesella convence
we convincenosotros convencemos
you convincevosotros convencéis
they convinceellos convencen
they convinceellas convencen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I convincedyo convencí
you convincedtú convenciste
he convinced
she convinced
we convincednosotros convencimos
you convincedvosotros convencisteis
they convincedellos convencieron
they convincedellas convencieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have convincedyo he convencido
you have convincedtú has convencido
he has convincedél ha convencido
she has convincedella ha convencido
we have convincednosotros hemos convencido
you have convincedvosotros habéis convencido
they have convincedellos han convencido
they have convincedellas han convencido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had convincedyo había convencido
you had convincedtú habías convencido
he had convincedél había convencido
she had convincedella había convencido
we had convincednosotros habíamos convencido
you had convincedvosotros habíais convencido
they had convincedellos habían convencido
they had convincedellas habían convencido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will convinceyo convenceré
you will convincetú convencerás
he will convinceél convencerá
she will convinceella convencerá
we will convincenosotros convenceremos
you will convince
they will convinceellos convencerán
they will convinceellas convencerán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have convincedyo habré convencido
you will have convincedtú habrás convencido
he will have convincedél habrá convencido
she will have convincedella habrá convencido
we will have convincednosotros habremos convencido
you will have convincedvosotros habréis convencido
they will have convincedellos habrán convencido
they will have convincedellas habrán convencido

I would convinceyo convencería
you would convincetú convencerías
he would convinceél convencería
she would convinceella convencería
we would convincenosotros convenceríamos
you would convincevosotros convenceríais
they would convinceellos convencerían
they would convinceellas convencerían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have convincedyo habría convencido
you would have convincedtú habrías convencido
he would have convincedél habría convencido
she would have convincedella habría convencido
we would have convincednosotros habríamos convencido
you would have convincedvosotros habríais convencido
they would have convincedellos habrían convencido
they would have convincedellas habrían convencido

Participio presenteAnotado
convincing convenciendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
convinced convencido

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