Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de cough

to coughtoser

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I coughyo toso
you coughtú toses
he coughsél tose
she coughsella tose
we coughnosotros tosemos
you coughvosotros toséis
they coughellos tosen
they coughellas tosen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I coughedyo tosí
you coughedtú tosiste
he coughedél tosió
she coughedella tosió
we coughednosotros tosimos
you coughedvosotros tosisteis
they coughedellos tosieron
they coughedellas tosieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have coughedyo he tosido
you have coughedtú has tosido
he has coughedél ha tosido
she has coughedella ha tosido
we have coughednosotros hemos tosido
you have coughedvosotros habéis tosido
they have coughedellos han tosido
they have coughedellas han tosido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had coughedyo había tosido
you had coughedtú habías tosido
he had coughedél había tosido
she had coughedella había tosido
we had coughednosotros habíamos tosido
you had coughedvosotros habíais tosido
they had coughedellos habían tosido
they had coughedellas habían tosido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will coughyo toseré
you will coughtú toserás
he will coughél toserá
she will coughella toserá
we will coughnosotros toseremos
you will coughvosotros toseréis
they will coughellos toserán
they will coughellas toserán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have coughedyo habré tosido
you will have coughedtú habrás tosido
he will have coughedél habrá tosido
she will have coughedella habrá tosido
we will have coughednosotros habremos tosido
you will have coughedvosotros habréis tosido
they will have coughedellos habrán tosido
they will have coughedellas habrán tosido

I would coughyo tosería
you would coughtú toserías
he would coughél tosería
she would coughella tosería
we would coughnosotros toseríamos
you would coughvosotros toseríais
they would coughellos toserían
they would coughellas toserían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have coughedyo habría tosido
you would have coughedtú habrías tosido
he would have coughedél habría tosido
she would have coughedella habría tosido
we would have coughednosotros habríamos tosido
you would have coughedvosotros habríais tosido
they would have coughedellos habrían tosido
they would have coughedellas habrían tosido

Participio presenteAnotado
coughing tosiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
coughed tosido

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