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Conjugación de disclose

to disclosedivulgar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I discloseyo divulgo
you disclosetú divulgas
he disclosesél divulga
she disclosesella divulga
we disclosenosotros divulgamos
you disclosevosotros divulgáis
they discloseellos divulgan
they discloseellas divulgan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I disclosedyo divulgué
you disclosedtú divulgaste
he disclosedél divulgó
she disclosedella divulgó
we disclosednosotros divulgamos
you disclosedvosotros divulgasteis
they disclosedellos divulgaron
they disclosedellas divulgaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have disclosedyo he divulgado
you have disclosedtú has divulgado
he has disclosedél ha divulgado
she has disclosedella ha divulgado
we have disclosednosotros hemos divulgado
you have disclosedvosotros habéis divulgado
they have disclosedellos han divulgado
they have disclosedellas han divulgado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had disclosedyo había divulgado
you had disclosedtú habías divulgado
he had disclosedél había divulgado
she had disclosedella había divulgado
we had disclosednosotros habíamos divulgado
you had disclosedvosotros habíais divulgado
they had disclosedellos habían divulgado
they had disclosedellas habían divulgado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will discloseyo divulgaré
you will disclosetú divulgarás
he will discloseél divulgará
she will discloseella divulgará
we will disclosenosotros divulgaremos
you will disclosevosotros divulgaréis
they will discloseellos divulgarán
they will discloseellas divulgarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have disclosedyo habré divulgado
you will have disclosedtú habrás divulgado
he will have disclosedél habrá divulgado
she will have disclosedella habrá divulgado
we will have disclosednosotros habremos divulgado
you will have disclosedvosotros habréis divulgado
they will have disclosedellos habrán divulgado
they will have disclosedellas habrán divulgado

I would discloseyo divulgaría
you would disclosetú divulgarías
he would discloseél divulgaría
she would discloseella divulgaría
we would disclosenosotros divulgaríamos
you would disclosevosotros divulgaríais
they would discloseellos divulgarían
they would discloseellas divulgarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have disclosedyo habría divulgado
you would have disclosedtú habrías divulgado
he would have disclosedél habría divulgado
she would have disclosedella habría divulgado
we would have disclosednosotros habríamos divulgado
you would have disclosedvosotros habríais divulgado
they would have disclosedellos habrían divulgado
they would have disclosedellas habrían divulgado

Participio presenteAnotado
disclosing divulgando

Participio pasadoAnotado
disclosed divulgado

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