Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de disturb

to disturbperturbar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I disturbyo perturbo
you disturbtú perturbas
he disturbsél perturba
she disturbsella perturba
we disturbnosotros perturbamos
you disturbvosotros perturbáis
they disturbellos perturban
they disturbellas perturban

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I disturbedyo perturbé
you disturbedtú perturbaste
he disturbedél perturbó
she disturbedella perturbó
we disturbednosotros perturbamos
you disturbedvosotros perturbasteis
they disturbedellos perturbaron
they disturbedellas perturbaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have disturbedyo he perturbado
you have disturbedtú has perturbado
he has disturbedél ha perturbado
she has disturbedella ha perturbado
we have disturbednosotros hemos perturbado
you have disturbedvosotros habéis perturbado
they have disturbedellos han perturbado
they have disturbedellas han perturbado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had disturbedyo había perturbado
you had disturbedtú habías perturbado
he had disturbedél había perturbado
she had disturbedella había perturbado
we had disturbednosotros habíamos perturbado
you had disturbedvosotros habíais perturbado
they had disturbedellos habían perturbado
they had disturbedellas habían perturbado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will disturbyo perturbaré
you will disturbtú perturbarás
he will disturbél perturbará
she will disturbella perturbará
we will disturbnosotros perturbaremos
you will disturbvosotros perturbaréis
they will disturbellos perturbarán
they will disturbellas perturbarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have disturbedyo habré perturbado
you will have disturbedtú habrás perturbado
he will have disturbedél habrá perturbado
she will have disturbedella habrá perturbado
we will have disturbednosotros habremos perturbado
you will have disturbedvosotros habréis perturbado
they will have disturbedellos habrán perturbado
they will have disturbedellas habrán perturbado

I would disturbyo perturbaría
you would disturbtú perturbarías
he would disturbél perturbaría
she would disturbella perturbaría
we would disturbnosotros perturbaríamos
you would disturbvosotros perturbaríais
they would disturbellos perturbarían
they would disturbellas perturbarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have disturbedyo habría perturbado
you would have disturbedtú habrías perturbado
he would have disturbedél habría perturbado
she would have disturbedella habría perturbado
we would have disturbednosotros habríamos perturbado
you would have disturbedvosotros habríais perturbado
they would have disturbedellos habrían perturbado
they would have disturbedellas habrían perturbado

Participio presenteAnotado
disturbing perturbando

Participio pasadoAnotado
disturbed perturbado

Más verbos

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