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Conjugación de dive

to divebucear

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I diveyo buceo
you divetú buceas
he divesél bucea
she divesella bucea
we divenosotros buceamos
you divevosotros buceáis
they diveellos bucean
they diveellas bucean

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have divedyo he buceado
you have divedtú has buceado
he has divedél ha buceado
she has divedella ha buceado
we have divednosotros hemos buceado
you have divedvosotros habéis buceado
they have divedellos han buceado
they have divedellas han buceado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had divedyo había buceado
you had divedtú habías buceado
he had divedél había buceado
she had divedella había buceado
we had divednosotros habíamos buceado
you had divedvosotros habíais buceado
they had divedellos habían buceado
they had divedellas habían buceado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will diveyo bucearé
you will divetú bucearás
he will diveél buceará
she will diveella buceará
we will divenosotros bucearemos
you will divevosotros bucearéis
they will diveellos bucearán
they will diveellas bucearán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have divedyo habré buceado
you will have divedtú habrás buceado
he will have divedél habrá buceado
she will have divedella habrá buceado
we will have divednosotros habremos buceado
you will have divedvosotros habréis buceado
they will have divedellos habrán buceado
they will have divedellas habrán buceado

I would diveyo bucearía
you would divetú bucearías
he would diveél bucearía
she would diveella bucearía
we would divenosotros bucearíamos
you would divevosotros bucearíais
they would diveellos bucearían
they would diveellas bucearían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have divedyo habría buceado
you would have divedtú habrías buceado
he would have divedél habría buceado
she would have divedella habría buceado
we would have divednosotros habríamos buceado
you would have divedvosotros habríais buceado
they would have divedellos habrían buceado
they would have divedellas habrían buceado

Participio presenteAnotado
diving buceando

Participio pasadoAnotado
dived buceado

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