Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de excuse

to excuseexcusar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I excuseyo excuso
you excusetú excusas
he excusesél excusa
she excusesella excusa
we excusenosotros excusamos
you excusevosotros excusáis
they excuseellos excusan
they excuseellas excusan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I excusedyo excusé
you excusedtú excusaste
he excusedél excusó
she excusedella excusó
we excusednosotros excusamos
you excusedvosotros excusasteis
they excusedellos excusaron
they excusedellas excusaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have excusedyo he excusado
you have excusedtú has excusado
he has excusedél ha excusado
she has excusedella ha excusado
we have excusednosotros hemos excusado
you have excusedvosotros habéis excusado
they have excusedellos han excusado
they have excusedellas han excusado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had excusedyo había excusado
you had excusedtú habías excusado
he had excusedél había excusado
she had excusedella había excusado
we had excusednosotros habíamos excusado
you had excusedvosotros habíais excusado
they had excusedellos habían excusado
they had excusedellas habían excusado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will excuseyo excusaré
you will excusetú excusarás
he will excuseél excusará
she will excuseella excusará
we will excusenosotros excusaremos
you will excusevosotros excusaréis
they will excuseellos excusarán
they will excuseellas excusarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have excusedyo habré excusado
you will have excusedtú habrás excusado
he will have excusedél habrá excusado
she will have excusedella habrá excusado
we will have excusednosotros habremos excusado
you will have excusedvosotros habréis excusado
they will have excusedellos habrán excusado
they will have excusedellas habrán excusado

I would excuseyo excusaría
you would excusetú excusarías
he would excuseél excusaría
she would excuseella excusaría
we would excusenosotros excusaríamos
you would excusevosotros excusaríais
they would excuseellos excusarían
they would excuseellas excusarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have excusedyo habría excusado
you would have excusedtú habrías excusado
he would have excusedél habría excusado
she would have excusedella habría excusado
we would have excusednosotros habríamos excusado
you would have excusedvosotros habríais excusado
they would have excusedellos habrían excusado
they would have excusedellas habrían excusado

Participio presenteAnotado
excusing excusando

Participio pasadoAnotado
excused excusado

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