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Conjugación de fish

to fishpescar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I fishyo pesco
you fishtú pescas
he fishesél pesca
she fishesella pesca
we fishnosotros pescamos
you fishvosotros pescáis
they fishellos pescan
they fishellas pescan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I fishedyo pesqué
you fishedtú pescaste
he fishedél pescó
she fishedella pescó
we fishednosotros pescamos
you fishedvosotros pescasteis
they fishedellos pescaron
they fishedellas pescaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have fishedyo he pescado
you have fishedtú has pescado
he has fishedél ha pescado
she has fishedella ha pescado
we have fishednosotros hemos pescado
you have fishedvosotros habéis pescado
they have fishedellos han pescado
they have fishedellas han pescado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had fishedyo había pescado
you had fishedtú habías pescado
he had fishedél había pescado
she had fishedella había pescado
we had fishednosotros habíamos pescado
you had fishedvosotros habíais pescado
they had fishedellos habían pescado
they had fishedellas habían pescado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will fishyo pescaré
you will fishtú pescarás
he will fishél pescará
she will fishella pescará
we will fishnosotros pescaremos
you will fishvosotros pescaréis
they will fishellos pescarán
they will fishellas pescarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have fishedyo habré pescado
you will have fishedtú habrás pescado
he will have fishedél habrá pescado
she will have fishedella habrá pescado
we will have fishednosotros habremos pescado
you will have fishedvosotros habréis pescado
they will have fishedellos habrán pescado
they will have fishedellas habrán pescado

I would fishyo pescaría
you would fishtú pescarías
he would fishél pescaría
she would fishella pescaría
we would fishnosotros pescaríamos
you would fishvosotros pescaríais
they would fishellos pescarían
they would fishellas pescarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have fishedyo habría pescado
you would have fishedtú habrías pescado
he would have fishedél habría pescado
she would have fishedella habría pescado
we would have fishednosotros habríamos pescado
you would have fishedvosotros habríais pescado
they would have fishedellos habrían pescado
they would have fishedellas habrían pescado

Participio presenteAnotado
fishing pescando

Participio pasadoAnotado
fished pescado

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