Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de flourish

to flourishprosperar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I flourishyo prospero
you flourishtú prosperas
he flourishesél prospera
she flourishesella prospera
we flourishnosotros prosperamos
you flourishvosotros prosperáis
they flourishellos prosperan
they flourishellas prosperan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I flourishedyo prosperé
you flourishedtú prosperaste
he flourishedél prosperó
she flourishedella prosperó
we flourishednosotros prosperamos
you flourishedvosotros prosperasteis
they flourishedellos prosperaron
they flourishedellas prosperaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have flourishedyo he prosperado
you have flourishedtú has prosperado
he has flourishedél ha prosperado
she has flourishedella ha prosperado
we have flourishednosotros hemos prosperado
you have flourishedvosotros habéis prosperado
they have flourishedellos han prosperado
they have flourishedellas han prosperado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had flourishedyo había prosperado
you had flourishedtú habías prosperado
he had flourishedél había prosperado
she had flourishedella había prosperado
we had flourishednosotros habíamos prosperado
you had flourishedvosotros habíais prosperado
they had flourishedellos habían prosperado
they had flourishedellas habían prosperado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will flourishyo prosperaré
you will flourishtú prosperarás
he will flourishél prosperará
she will flourishella prosperará
we will flourishnosotros prosperaremos
you will flourishvosotros prosperaréis
they will flourishellos prosperarán
they will flourishellas prosperarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have flourishedyo habré prosperado
you will have flourishedtú habrás prosperado
he will have flourishedél habrá prosperado
she will have flourishedella habrá prosperado
we will have flourishednosotros habremos prosperado
you will have flourishedvosotros habréis prosperado
they will have flourishedellos habrán prosperado
they will have flourishedellas habrán prosperado

I would flourishyo prosperaría
you would flourishtú prosperarías
he would flourishél prosperaría
she would flourishella prosperaría
we would flourishnosotros prosperaríamos
you would flourishvosotros prosperaríais
they would flourishellos prosperarían
they would flourishellas prosperarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have flourishedyo habría prosperado
you would have flourishedtú habrías prosperado
he would have flourishedél habría prosperado
she would have flourishedella habría prosperado
we would have flourishednosotros habríamos prosperado
you would have flourishedvosotros habríais prosperado
they would have flourishedellos habrían prosperado
they would have flourishedellas habrían prosperado

Participio presenteAnotado
flourishing prosperando

Participio pasadoAnotado
flourished prosperado

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