Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de fly

to flyvolar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I flyyo vuelo
you flytú vuelas
he fliesél vuela
she fliesella vuela
we flynosotros volamos
you flyvosotros voláis
they flyellos vuelan
they flyellas vuelan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I flewyo volé
you flewtú volaste
he flewél voló
she flewella voló
we flewnosotros volamos
you flewvosotros volasteis
they flewellos volaron
they flewellas volaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have flownyo he volado
you have flowntú has volado
he has flownél ha volado
she has flownella ha volado
we have flownnosotros hemos volado
you have flownvosotros habéis volado
they have flownellos han volado
they have flownellas han volado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had flownyo había volado
you had flowntú habías volado
he had flownél había volado
she had flownella había volado
we had flownnosotros habíamos volado
you had flownvosotros habíais volado
they had flownellos habían volado
they had flownellas habían volado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will flyyo volaré
you will flytú volarás
he will flyél volará
she will flyella volará
we will flynosotros volaremos
you will flyvosotros volaréis
they will flyellos volarán
they will flyellas volarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have flownyo habré volado
you will have flowntú habrás volado
he will have flownél habrá volado
she will have flownella habrá volado
we will have flownnosotros habremos volado
you will have flownvosotros habréis volado
they will have flownellos habrán volado
they will have flownellas habrán volado

I would flyyo volaría
you would flytú volarías
he would flyél volaría
she would flyella volaría
we would flynosotros volaríamos
you would flyvosotros volaríais
they would flyellos volarían
they would flyellas volarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have flownyo habría volado
you would have flowntú habrías volado
he would have flownél habría volado
she would have flownella habría volado
we would have flownnosotros habríamos volado
you would have flownvosotros habríais volado
they would have flownellos habrían volado
they would have flownellas habrían volado

Participio presenteAnotado
flying volando

Participio pasadoAnotado
flown volado

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