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Conjugación de foil

to foilfrustrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I foilyo frustro
you foiltú frustras
he foilsél frustra
she foilsella frustra
we foilnosotros frustramos
you foilvosotros frustráis
they foilellos frustran
they foilellas frustran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I foiledyo frustré
you foiledtú frustraste
he foiledél frustró
she foiledella frustró
we foilednosotros frustramos
you foiledvosotros frustrasteis
they foiledellos frustraron
they foiledellas frustraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have foiledyo he frustrado
you have foiledtú has frustrado
he has foiledél ha frustrado
she has foiledella ha frustrado
we have foilednosotros hemos frustrado
you have foiledvosotros habéis frustrado
they have foiledellos han frustrado
they have foiledellas han frustrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had foiledyo había frustrado
you had foiledtú habías frustrado
he had foiledél había frustrado
she had foiledella había frustrado
we had foilednosotros habíamos frustrado
you had foiledvosotros habíais frustrado
they had foiledellos habían frustrado
they had foiledellas habían frustrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will foilyo frustraré
you will foiltú frustrarás
he will foilél frustrará
she will foilella frustrará
we will foilnosotros frustraremos
you will foilvosotros frustraréis
they will foilellos frustrarán
they will foilellas frustrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have foiledyo habré frustrado
you will have foiledtú habrás frustrado
he will have foiledél habrá frustrado
she will have foiledella habrá frustrado
we will have foilednosotros habremos frustrado
you will have foiledvosotros habréis frustrado
they will have foiledellos habrán frustrado
they will have foiledellas habrán frustrado

I would foilyo frustraría
you would foiltú frustrarías
he would foilél frustraría
she would foilella frustraría
we would foilnosotros frustraríamos
you would foilvosotros frustraríais
they would foilellos frustrarían
they would foilellas frustrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have foiledyo habría frustrado
you would have foiledtú habrías frustrado
he would have foiledél habría frustrado
she would have foiledella habría frustrado
we would have foilednosotros habríamos frustrado
you would have foiledvosotros habríais frustrado
they would have foiledellos habrían frustrado
they would have foiledellas habrían frustrado

Participio presenteAnotado
foiling frustrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
foiled frustrado

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