Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de hurt

to hurtlastimar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I hurtyo lastimo
you hurttú lastimas
he hurtsél lastima
she hurtsella lastima
we hurtnosotros lastimamos
you hurtvosotros lastimáis
they hurtellos lastiman
they hurtellas lastiman

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I hurtyo lastimé
you hurttú lastimaste
he hurtél lastimó
she hurtella lastimó
we hurtnosotros lastimamos
you hurtvosotros lastimasteis
they hurtellos lastimaron
they hurtellas lastimaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have hurtyo he lastimado
you have hurttú has lastimado
he has hurtél ha lastimado
she has hurtella ha lastimado
we have hurtnosotros hemos lastimado
you have hurtvosotros habéis lastimado
they have hurtellos han lastimado
they have hurtellas han lastimado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had hurtyo había lastimado
you had hurttú habías lastimado
he had hurtél había lastimado
she had hurtella había lastimado
we had hurtnosotros habíamos lastimado
you had hurtvosotros habíais lastimado
they had hurtellos habían lastimado
they had hurtellas habían lastimado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will hurtyo lastimaré
you will hurttú lastimarás
he will hurtél lastimará
she will hurtella lastimará
we will hurtnosotros lastimaremos
you will hurtvosotros lastimaréis
they will hurtellos lastimarán
they will hurtellas lastimarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have hurtyo habré lastimado
you will have hurttú habrás lastimado
he will have hurtél habrá lastimado
she will have hurtella habrá lastimado
we will have hurtnosotros habremos lastimado
you will have hurtvosotros habréis lastimado
they will have hurtellos habrán lastimado
they will have hurtellas habrán lastimado

I would hurtyo lastimaría
you would hurttú lastimarías
he would hurtél lastimaría
she would hurtella lastimaría
we would hurtnosotros lastimaríamos
you would hurtvosotros lastimaríais
they would hurtellos lastimarían
they would hurtellas lastimarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have hurtyo habría lastimado
you would have hurttú habrías lastimado
he would have hurtél habría lastimado
she would have hurtella habría lastimado
we would have hurtnosotros habríamos lastimado
you would have hurtvosotros habríais lastimado
they would have hurtellos habrían lastimado
they would have hurtellas habrían lastimado

Participio presenteAnotado
hurting lastimando

Participio pasadoAnotado
hurt lastimado

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