Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de imagine

to imagineimaginar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I imagineyo imagino
you imaginetú imaginas
he imaginesél imagina
she imaginesella imagina
we imaginenosotros imaginamos
you imaginevosotros imagináis
they imagineellos imaginan
they imagineellas imaginan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I imaginedyo imaginé
you imaginedtú imaginaste
he imaginedél imaginó
she imaginedella imaginó
we imaginednosotros imaginamos
you imaginedvosotros imaginasteis
they imaginedellos imaginaron
they imaginedellas imaginaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have imaginedyo he imaginado
you have imaginedtú has imaginado
he has imaginedél ha imaginado
she has imaginedella ha imaginado
we have imaginednosotros hemos imaginado
you have imaginedvosotros habéis imaginado
they have imaginedellos han imaginado
they have imaginedellas han imaginado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had imaginedyo había imaginado
you had imaginedtú habías imaginado
he had imaginedél había imaginado
she had imaginedella había imaginado
we had imaginednosotros habíamos imaginado
you had imaginedvosotros habíais imaginado
they had imaginedellos habían imaginado
they had imaginedellas habían imaginado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will imagineyo imaginaré
you will imaginetú imaginarás
he will imagineél imaginará
she will imagineella imaginará
we will imaginenosotros imaginaremos
you will imaginevosotros imaginaréis
they will imagineellos imaginarán
they will imagineellas imaginarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have imaginedyo habré imaginado
you will have imaginedtú habrás imaginado
he will have imaginedél habrá imaginado
she will have imaginedella habrá imaginado
we will have imaginednosotros habremos imaginado
you will have imaginedvosotros habréis imaginado
they will have imaginedellos habrán imaginado
they will have imaginedellas habrán imaginado

I would imagineyo imaginaría
you would imaginetú imaginarías
he would imagineél imaginaría
she would imagineella imaginaría
we would imaginenosotros imaginaríamos
you would imaginevosotros imaginaríais
they would imagineellos imaginarían
they would imagineellas imaginarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have imaginedyo habría imaginado
you would have imaginedtú habrías imaginado
he would have imaginedél habría imaginado
she would have imaginedella habría imaginado
we would have imaginednosotros habríamos imaginado
you would have imaginedvosotros habríais imaginado
they would have imaginedellos habrían imaginado
they would have imaginedellas habrían imaginado

Participio presenteAnotado
imagining imaginando

Participio pasadoAnotado
imagined imaginado

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