Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de insist

to insistinsistir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I insistyo insisto
you insisttú insistes
he insistsél insiste
she insistsella insiste
we insistnosotros insistimos
you insistvosotros insistís
they insistellos insisten
they insistellas insisten

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I insistedyo insistí
you insistedtú insististe
he insistedél insistió
she insistedella insistió
we insistednosotros insistimos
you insistedvosotros insististeis
they insistedellos insistieron
they insistedellas insistieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have insistedyo he insistido
you have insistedtú has insistido
he has insistedél ha insistido
she has insistedella ha insistido
we have insistednosotros hemos insistido
you have insistedvosotros habéis insistido
they have insistedellos han insistido
they have insistedellas han insistido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had insistedyo había insistido
you had insistedtú habías insistido
he had insistedél había insistido
she had insistedella había insistido
we had insistednosotros habíamos insistido
you had insistedvosotros habíais insistido
they had insistedellos habían insistido
they had insistedellas habían insistido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will insistyo insistiré
you will insisttú insistirás
he will insistél insistirá
she will insistella insistirá
we will insistnosotros insistiremos
you will insistvosotros insistiréis
they will insistellos insistirán
they will insistellas insistirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have insistedyo habré insistido
you will have insistedtú habrás insistido
he will have insistedél habrá insistido
she will have insistedella habrá insistido
we will have insistednosotros habremos insistido
you will have insistedvosotros habréis insistido
they will have insistedellos habrán insistido
they will have insistedellas habrán insistido

I would insistyo insistiría
you would insisttú insistirías
he would insistél insistiría
she would insistella insistiría
we would insistnosotros insistiríamos
you would insistvosotros insistiríais
they would insistellos insistirían
they would insistellas insistirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have insistedyo habría insistido
you would have insistedtú habrías insistido
he would have insistedél habría insistido
she would have insistedella habría insistido
we would have insistednosotros habríamos insistido
you would have insistedvosotros habríais insistido
they would have insistedellos habrían insistido
they would have insistedellas habrían insistido

Participio presenteAnotado
insisting insistiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
insisted insistido

Más verbos

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