Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de interest

to interestinteresar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I interestyo intereso
you interesttú interesas
he interestsél interesa
she interestsella interesa
we interestnosotros interesamos
you interestvosotros interesáis
they interestellos interesan
they interestellas interesan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I interestedyo interesé
you interestedtú interesaste
he interestedél interesó
she interestedella interesó
we interestednosotros interesamos
you interestedvosotros interesasteis
they interestedellos interesaron
they interestedellas interesaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have interestedyo he interesado
you have interestedtú has interesado
he has interestedél ha interesado
she has interestedella ha interesado
we have interestednosotros hemos interesado
you have interestedvosotros habéis interesado
they have interestedellos han interesado
they have interestedellas han interesado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had interestedyo había interesado
you had interestedtú habías interesado
he had interestedél había interesado
she had interestedella había interesado
we had interestednosotros habíamos interesado
you had interestedvosotros habíais interesado
they had interestedellos habían interesado
they had interestedellas habían interesado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will interestyo interesaré
you will interesttú interesarás
he will interestél interesará
she will interestella interesará
we will interestnosotros interesaremos
you will interestvosotros interesaréis
they will interestellos interesarán
they will interestellas interesarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have interestedyo habré interesado
you will have interestedtú habrás interesado
he will have interestedél habrá interesado
she will have interestedella habrá interesado
we will have interestednosotros habremos interesado
you will have interestedvosotros habréis interesado
they will have interestedellos habrán interesado
they will have interestedellas habrán interesado

I would interestyo interesaría
you would interesttú interesarías
he would interestél interesaría
she would interestella interesaría
we would interestnosotros interesaríamos
you would interestvosotros interesaríais
they would interestellos interesarían
they would interestellas interesarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have interestedyo habría interesado
you would have interestedtú habrías interesado
he would have interestedél habría interesado
she would have interestedella habría interesado
we would have interestednosotros habríamos interesado
you would have interestedvosotros habríais interesado
they would have interestedellos habrían interesado
they would have interestedellas habrían interesado

Participio presenteAnotado
interesting interesando

Participio pasadoAnotado
interested interesado

Más verbos

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