Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de interrupt

to interruptinterrumpir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I interruptyo interrumpo
you interrupttú interrumpes
he interruptsél interrumpe
she interruptsella interrumpe
we interruptnosotros interrumpimos
you interruptvosotros interrumpís
they interruptellos interrumpen
they interruptellas interrumpen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I interruptedyo interrumpí
you interruptedtú interrumpiste
he interruptedél interrumpió
she interruptedella interrumpió
we interruptednosotros interrumpimos
you interruptedvosotros interrumpisteis
they interruptedellos interrumpieron
they interruptedellas interrumpieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have interruptedyo he interrumpido
you have interruptedtú has interrumpido
he has interruptedél ha interrumpido
she has interruptedella ha interrumpido
we have interruptednosotros hemos interrumpido
you have interruptedvosotros habéis interrumpido
they have interruptedellos han interrumpido
they have interruptedellas han interrumpido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had interruptedyo había interrumpido
you had interruptedtú habías interrumpido
he had interruptedél había interrumpido
she had interruptedella había interrumpido
we had interruptednosotros habíamos interrumpido
you had interruptedvosotros habíais interrumpido
they had interruptedellos habían interrumpido
they had interruptedellas habían interrumpido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will interruptyo interrumpiré
you will interrupttú interrumpirás
he will interruptél interrumpirá
she will interruptella interrumpirá
we will interruptnosotros interrumpiremos
you will interruptvosotros interrumpiréis
they will interruptellos interrumpirán
they will interruptellas interrumpirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have interruptedyo habré interrumpido
you will have interruptedtú habrás interrumpido
he will have interruptedél habrá interrumpido
she will have interruptedella habrá interrumpido
we will have interruptednosotros habremos interrumpido
you will have interruptedvosotros habréis interrumpido
they will have interruptedellos habrán interrumpido
they will have interruptedellas habrán interrumpido

I would interruptyo interrumpiría
you would interrupttú interrumpirías
he would interruptél interrumpiría
she would interruptella interrumpiría
we would interruptnosotros interrumpiríamos
you would interruptvosotros interrumpiríais
they would interruptellos interrumpirían
they would interruptellas interrumpirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have interruptedyo habría interrumpido
you would have interruptedtú habrías interrumpido
he would have interruptedél habría interrumpido
she would have interruptedella habría interrumpido
we would have interruptednosotros habríamos interrumpido
you would have interruptedvosotros habríais interrumpido
they would have interruptedellos habrían interrumpido
they would have interruptedellas habrían interrumpido

Participio presenteAnotado
interrupting interrumpiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
interrupted interrumpido

Más verbos

Aprenda esto con
Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
Sopa de Letras
Invertir P/R