Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de justify

to justifyjustificar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I justifyyo justifico
you justifytú justificas
he justifiesél justifica
she justifiesella justifica
we justifynosotros justificamos
you justifyvosotros justificáis
they justifyellos justifican
they justifyellas justifican

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I justifiedyo justifiqué
you justifiedtú justificaste
he justifiedél justificó
she justifiedella justificó
we justifiednosotros justificamos
you justifiedvosotros justificasteis
they justifiedellos justificaron
they justifiedellas justificaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have justifiedyo he justificado
you have justifiedtú has justificado
he has justifiedél ha justificado
she has justifiedella ha justificado
we have justifiednosotros hemos justificado
you have justifiedvosotros habéis justificado
they have justifiedellos han justificado
they have justifiedellas han justificado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had justifiedyo había justificado
you had justifiedtú habías justificado
he had justifiedél había justificado
she had justifiedella había justificado
we had justifiednosotros habíamos justificado
you had justifiedvosotros habíais justificado
they had justifiedellos habían justificado
they had justifiedellas habían justificado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will justifyyo justificaré
you will justifytú justificarás
he will justifyél justificará
she will justifyella justificará
we will justifynosotros justificaremos
you will justifyvosotros justificaréis
they will justifyellos justificarán
they will justifyellas justificarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have justifiedyo habré justificado
you will have justifiedtú habrás justificado
he will have justifiedél habrá justificado
she will have justifiedella habrá justificado
we will have justifiednosotros habremos justificado
you will have justifiedvosotros habréis justificado
they will have justifiedellos habrán justificado
they will have justifiedellas habrán justificado

I would justifyyo justificaría
you would justifytú justificarías
he would justifyél justificaría
she would justifyella justificaría
we would justifynosotros justificaríamos
you would justifyvosotros justificaríais
they would justifyellos justificarían
they would justifyellas justificarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have justifiedyo habría justificado
you would have justifiedtú habrías justificado
he would have justifiedél habría justificado
she would have justifiedella habría justificado
we would have justifiednosotros habríamos justificado
you would have justifiedvosotros habríais justificado
they would have justifiedellos habrían justificado
they would have justifiedellas habrían justificado

Participio presenteAnotado
justifying justificando

Participio pasadoAnotado
justified justificado

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