Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de measure

to measuremedir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I measureyo mido
you measuretú mides
he measuresél mide
she measuresella mide
we measurenosotros medimos
you measurevosotros medís
they measureellos miden
they measureellas miden

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I measuredyo medí
you measuredtú mediste
he measuredél midió
she measuredella midió
we measurednosotros medimos
you measuredvosotros medisteis
they measuredellos midieron
they measuredellas midieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have measuredyo he medido
you have measuredtú has medido
he has measuredél ha medido
she has measuredella ha medido
we have measurednosotros hemos medido
you have measuredvosotros habéis medido
they have measuredellos han medido
they have measuredellas han medido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had measuredyo había medido
you had measuredtú habías medido
he had measuredél había medido
she had measuredella había medido
we had measurednosotros habíamos medido
you had measuredvosotros habíais medido
they had measuredellos habían medido
they had measuredellas habían medido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will measureyo mediré
you will measuretú medirás
he will measureél medirá
she will measureella medirá
we will measurenosotros mediremos
you will measurevosotros mediréis
they will measureellos medirán
they will measureellas medirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have measuredyo habré medido
you will have measuredtú habrás medido
he will have measuredél habrá medido
she will have measuredella habrá medido
we will have measurednosotros habremos medido
you will have measuredvosotros habréis medido
they will have measuredellos habrán medido
they will have measuredellas habrán medido

I would measureyo mediría
you would measuretú medirías
he would measureél mediría
she would measureella mediría
we would measurenosotros mediríamos
you would measurevosotros mediríais
they would measureellos medirían
they would measureellas medirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have measuredyo habría medido
you would have measuredtú habrías medido
he would have measuredél habría medido
she would have measuredella habría medido
we would have measurednosotros habríamos medido
you would have measuredvosotros habríais medido
they would have measuredellos habrían medido
they would have measuredellas habrían medido

Participio presenteAnotado
measuring midiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
measured medido

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