Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de perform

to performrealizar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I performyo realizo
you performtú realizas
he performsél realiza
she performsella realiza
we performnosotros realizamos
you performvosotros realizáis
they performellos realizan
they performellas realizan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I performedyo realicé
you performedtú realizaste
he performedél realizó
she performedella realizó
we performednosotros realizamos
you performedvosotros realizasteis
they performedellos realizaron
they performedellas realizaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have performedyo he realizado
you have performedtú has realizado
he has performedél ha realizado
she has performedella ha realizado
we have performednosotros hemos realizado
you have performedvosotros habéis realizado
they have performedellos han realizado
they have performedellas han realizado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had performedyo había realizado
you had performedtú habías realizado
he had performedél había realizado
she had performedella había realizado
we had performednosotros habíamos realizado
you had performedvosotros habíais realizado
they had performedellos habían realizado
they had performedellas habían realizado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will performyo realizaré
you will performtú realizarás
he will performél realizará
she will performella realizará
we will performnosotros realizaremos
you will performvosotros realizaréis
they will performellos realizarán
they will performellas realizarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have performedyo habré realizado
you will have performedtú habrás realizado
he will have performedél habrá realizado
she will have performedella habrá realizado
we will have performednosotros habremos realizado
you will have performedvosotros habréis realizado
they will have performedellos habrán realizado
they will have performedellas habrán realizado

I would performyo realizaría
you would performtú realizarías
he would performél realizaría
she would performella realizaría
we would performnosotros realizaríamos
you would performvosotros realizaríais
they would performellos realizarían
they would performellas realizarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have performedyo habría realizado
you would have performedtú habrías realizado
he would have performedél habría realizado
she would have performedella habría realizado
we would have performednosotros habríamos realizado
you would have performedvosotros habríais realizado
they would have performedellos habrían realizado
they would have performedellas habrían realizado

Participio presenteAnotado
performing realizando

Participio pasadoAnotado
performed realizado

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