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Conjugación de rebuild

to rebuildreconstruir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I rebuildyo reconstruyo
you rebuildtú reconstruyes
he rebuildsél reconstruye
she rebuildsella reconstruye
we rebuildnosotros reconstruimos
you rebuildvosotros reconstruís
they rebuildellos reconstruyen
they rebuildellas reconstruyen

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I rebuiltyo reconstruí
you rebuilttú reconstruiste
he rebuiltél reconstruyó
she rebuiltella reconstruyó
we rebuiltnosotros reconstruimos
you rebuiltvosotros reconstruisteis
they rebuiltellos reconstruyeron
they rebuiltellas reconstruyeron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have rebuiltyo he reconstruido
you have rebuilttú has reconstruido
he has rebuiltél ha reconstruido
she has rebuiltella ha reconstruido
we have rebuiltnosotros hemos reconstruido
you have rebuiltvosotros habéis reconstruido
they have rebuiltellos han reconstruido
they have rebuiltellas han reconstruido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had rebuiltyo había reconstruido
you had rebuilttú habías reconstruido
he had rebuiltél había reconstruido
she had rebuiltella había reconstruido
we had rebuiltnosotros habíamos reconstruido
you had rebuiltvosotros habíais reconstruido
they had rebuiltellos habían reconstruido
they had rebuiltellas habían reconstruido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will rebuildyo reconstruiré
you will rebuildtú reconstruirás
he will rebuildél reconstruirá
she will rebuildella reconstruirá
we will rebuildnosotros reconstruiremos
you will rebuildvosotros reconstruiréis
they will rebuildellos reconstruirán
they will rebuildellas reconstruirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have rebuiltyo habré reconstruido
you will have rebuilttú habrás reconstruido
he will have rebuiltél habrá reconstruido
she will have rebuiltella habrá reconstruido
we will have rebuiltnosotros habremos reconstruido
you will have rebuiltvosotros habréis reconstruido
they will have rebuiltellos habrán reconstruido
they will have rebuiltellas habrán reconstruido

I would rebuildyo reconstruiría
you would rebuildtú reconstruirías
he would rebuildél reconstruiría
she would rebuildella reconstruiría
we would rebuildnosotros reconstruiríamos
you would rebuildvosotros reconstruiríais
they would rebuildellos reconstruirían
they would rebuildellas reconstruirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have rebuiltyo habría reconstruido
you would have rebuilttú habrías reconstruido
he would have rebuiltél habría reconstruido
she would have rebuiltella habría reconstruido
we would have rebuiltnosotros habríamos reconstruido
you would have rebuiltvosotros habríais reconstruido
they would have rebuiltellos habrían reconstruido
they would have rebuiltellas habrían reconstruido

Participio presenteAnotado
rebuilding reconstruyendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
rebuilt reconstruido

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