Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de receive

to receiverecibir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I receiveyo recibo
you receivetú recibes
he receivesél recibe
she receivesella recibe
we receivenosotros recibimos
you receivevosotros recibís
they receiveellos reciben
they receiveellas reciben

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I receivedyo recibí
you receivedtú recibiste
he receivedél recibió
she receivedella recibió
we receivednosotros recibimos
you receivedvosotros recibisteis
they receivedellos recibieron
they receivedellas recibieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have receivedyo he recibido
you have receivedtú has recibido
he has receivedél ha recibido
she has receivedella ha recibido
we have receivednosotros hemos recibido
you have receivedvosotros habéis recibido
they have receivedellos han recibido
they have receivedellas han recibido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had receivedyo había recibido
you had receivedtú habías recibido
he had receivedél había recibido
she had receivedella había recibido
we had receivednosotros habíamos recibido
you had receivedvosotros habíais recibido
they had receivedellos habían recibido
they had receivedellas habían recibido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will receiveyo recibiré
you will receivetú recibirás
he will receiveél recibirá
she will receiveella recibirá
we will receivenosotros recibiremos
you will receivevosotros recibiréis
they will receiveellos recibirán
they will receiveellas recibirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have receivedyo habré recibido
you will have receivedtú habrás recibido
he will have receivedél habrá recibido
she will have receivedella habrá recibido
we will have receivednosotros habremos recibido
you will have receivedvosotros habréis recibido
they will have receivedellos habrán recibido
they will have receivedellas habrán recibido

I would receiveyo recibiría
you would receivetú recibirías
he would receiveél recibiría
she would receiveella recibiría
we would receivenosotros recibiríamos
you would receivevosotros recibiríais
they would receiveellos recibirían
they would receiveellas recibirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have receivedyo habría recibido
you would have receivedtú habrías recibido
he would have receivedél habría recibido
she would have receivedella habría recibido
we would have receivednosotros habríamos recibido
you would have receivedvosotros habríais recibido
they would have receivedellos habrían recibido
they would have receivedellas habrían recibido

Participio presenteAnotado
receiving recibiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
received recibido

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