Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de recruit

to recruitreclutar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I recruityo recluto
you recruittú reclutas
he recruitsél recluta
she recruitsella recluta
we recruitnosotros reclutamos
you recruitvosotros reclutáis
they recruitellos reclutan
they recruitellas reclutan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I recruitedyo recluté
you recruitedtú reclutaste
he recruitedél reclutó
she recruitedella reclutó
we recruitednosotros reclutamos
you recruitedvosotros reclutasteis
they recruitedellos reclutaron
they recruitedellas reclutaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have recruitedyo he reclutado
you have recruitedtú has reclutado
he has recruitedél ha reclutado
she has recruitedella ha reclutado
we have recruitednosotros hemos reclutado
you have recruitedvosotros habéis reclutado
they have recruitedellos han reclutado
they have recruitedellas han reclutado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had recruitedyo había reclutado
you had recruitedtú habías reclutado
he had recruitedél había reclutado
she had recruitedella había reclutado
we had recruitednosotros habíamos reclutado
you had recruitedvosotros habíais reclutado
they had recruitedellos habían reclutado
they had recruitedellas habían reclutado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will recruityo reclutaré
you will recruittú reclutarás
he will recruitél reclutará
she will recruitella reclutará
we will recruitnosotros reclutaremos
you will recruitvosotros reclutaréis
they will recruitellos reclutarán
they will recruitellas reclutarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have recruitedyo habré reclutado
you will have recruitedtú habrás reclutado
he will have recruitedél habrá reclutado
she will have recruitedella habrá reclutado
we will have recruitednosotros habremos reclutado
you will have recruitedvosotros habréis reclutado
they will have recruitedellos habrán reclutado
they will have recruitedellas habrán reclutado

I would recruityo reclutaría
you would recruittú reclutarías
he would recruitél reclutaría
she would recruitella reclutaría
we would recruitnosotros reclutaríamos
you would recruitvosotros reclutaríais
they would recruitellos reclutarían
they would recruitellas reclutarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have recruitedyo habría reclutado
you would have recruitedtú habrías reclutado
he would have recruitedél habría reclutado
she would have recruitedella habría reclutado
we would have recruitednosotros habríamos reclutado
you would have recruitedvosotros habríais reclutado
they would have recruitedellos habrían reclutado
they would have recruitedellas habrían reclutado

Participio presenteAnotado
recruiting reclutando

Participio pasadoAnotado
recruited reclutado

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