Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de refuse

to refuserehusar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I refuseyo rehúso
you refusetú rehúsas
he refusesél rehúsa
she refusesella rehúsa
we refusenosotros rehusamos
you refusevosotros rehusáis
they refuseellos rehúsan
they refuseellas rehúsan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I refusedyo rehusé
you refusedtú rehusaste
he refusedél rehusó
she refusedella rehusó
we refusednosotros rehusamos
you refusedvosotros rehusasteis
they refusedellos rehusaron
they refusedellas rehusaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have refusedyo he rehusado
you have refusedtú has rehusado
he has refusedél ha rehusado
she has refusedella ha rehusado
we have refusednosotros hemos rehusado
you have refusedvosotros habéis rehusado
they have refusedellos han rehusado
they have refusedellas han rehusado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had refusedyo había rehusado
you had refusedtú habías rehusado
he had refusedél había rehusado
she had refusedella había rehusado
we had refusednosotros habíamos rehusado
you had refusedvosotros habíais rehusado
they had refusedellos habían rehusado
they had refusedellas habían rehusado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will refuseyo rehusaré
you will refusetú rehusarás
he will refuseél rehusará
she will refuseella rehusará
we will refusenosotros rehusaremos
you will refusevosotros rehusaréis
they will refuseellos rehusarán
they will refuseellas rehusarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have refusedyo habré rehusado
you will have refusedtú habrás rehusado
he will have refusedél habrá rehusado
she will have refusedella habrá rehusado
we will have refusednosotros habremos rehusado
you will have refusedvosotros habréis rehusado
they will have refusedellos habrán rehusado
they will have refusedellas habrán rehusado

I would refuseyo rehusaría
you would refusetú rehusarías
he would refuseél rehusaría
she would refuseella rehusaría
we would refusenosotros rehusaríamos
you would refusevosotros rehusaríais
they would refuseellos rehusarían
they would refuseellas rehusarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have refusedyo habría rehusado
you would have refusedtú habrías rehusado
he would have refusedél habría rehusado
she would have refusedella habría rehusado
we would have refusednosotros habríamos rehusado
you would have refusedvosotros habríais rehusado
they would have refusedellos habrían rehusado
they would have refusedellas habrían rehusado

Participio presenteAnotado
refusing rehusando

Participio pasadoAnotado
refused rehusado

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