Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de release

to releasesoltar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I releaseyo suelto
you releasetú sueltas
he releasesél suelta
she releasesella suelta
we releasenosotros soltamos
you releasevosotros soltáis
they releaseellos sueltan
they releaseellas sueltan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I releasedyo solté
you releasedtú soltaste
he releasedél soltó
she releasedella soltó
we releasednosotros soltamos
you releasedvosotros soltasteis
they releasedellos soltaron
they releasedellas soltaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have releasedyo he soltado
you have releasedtú has soltado
he has releasedél ha soltado
she has releasedella ha soltado
we have releasednosotros hemos soltado
you have releasedvosotros habéis soltado
they have releasedellos han soltado
they have releasedellas han soltado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had releasedyo había soltado
you had releasedtú habías soltado
he had releasedél había soltado
she had releasedella había soltado
we had releasednosotros habíamos soltado
you had releasedvosotros habíais soltado
they had releasedellos habían soltado
they had releasedellas habían soltado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will releaseyo soltaré
you will releasetú soltarás
he will releaseél soltará
she will releaseella soltará
we will releasenosotros soltaremos
you will releasevosotros soltaréis
they will releaseellos soltarán
they will releaseellas soltarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have releasedyo habré soltado
you will have releasedtú habrás soltado
he will have releasedél habrá soltado
she will have releasedella habrá soltado
we will have releasednosotros habremos soltado
you will have releasedvosotros habréis soltado
they will have releasedellos habrán soltado
they will have releasedellas habrán soltado

I would releaseyo soltaría
you would releasetú soltarías
he would releaseél soltaría
she would releaseella soltaría
we would releasenosotros soltaríamos
you would releasevosotros soltaríais
they would releaseellos soltarían
they would releaseellas soltarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have releasedyo habría soltado
you would have releasedtú habrías soltado
he would have releasedél habría soltado
she would have releasedella habría soltado
we would have releasednosotros habríamos soltado
you would have releasedvosotros habríais soltado
they would have releasedellos habrían soltado
they would have releasedellas habrían soltado

Participio presenteAnotado
releasing soltando

Participio pasadoAnotado
released soltado

Más verbos

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Opción múltiple
Juego del Ahorcado
Sopa de Letras
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