Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de restrain

to restrainrefrenar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I restrainyo refreno
you restraintú refrenas
él refrena
ella refrena
we restrainnosotros refrenamos
you restrainvosotros refrenáis
they restrainellos refrenan
they restrainellas refrenan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I restrainedyo refrené
you restrainedtú refrenaste
he restrainedél refrenó
she restrainedella refrenó
we restrainednosotros refrenamos
you restrainedvosotros refrenasteis
they restrainedellos refrenaron
they restrainedellas refrenaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have restrainedyo he refrenado
you have restrainedtú has refrenado
he has restrainedél ha refrenado
she has restrainedella ha refrenado
we have restrainednosotros hemos refrenado
you have restrainedvosotros habéis refrenado
they have restrainedellos han refrenado
they have restrainedellas han refrenado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had restrainedyo había refrenado
you had restrainedtú habías refrenado
he had restrainedél había refrenado
she had restrainedella había refrenado
we had restrainednosotros habíamos refrenado
you had restrainedvosotros habíais refrenado
they had restrainedellos habían refrenado
they had restrainedellas habían refrenado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will restrainyo refrenaré
you will restraintú refrenarás
he will restrainél refrenará
she will restrainella refrenará
we will restrainnosotros refrenaremos
you will restrainvosotros refrenaréis
they will restrainellos refrenarán
they will restrainellas refrenarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have restrainedyo habré refrenado
you will have restrainedtú habrás refrenado
he will have restrainedél habrá refrenado
she will have restrainedella habrá refrenado
we will have restrainednosotros habremos refrenado
you will have restrainedvosotros habréis refrenado
they will have restrainedellos habrán refrenado
they will have restrainedellas habrán refrenado

I would restrainyo refrenaría
you would restraintú refrenarías
he would restrainél refrenaría
she would restrainella refrenaría
we would restrainnosotros refrenaríamos
you would restrainvosotros refrenaríais
they would restrainellos refrenarían
they would restrainellas refrenarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have restrainedyo habría refrenado
you would have restrainedtú habrías refrenado
he would have restrainedél habría refrenado
she would have restrainedella habría refrenado
we would have restrainednosotros habríamos refrenado
you would have restrainedvosotros habríais refrenado
they would have restrainedellos habrían refrenado
they would have restrainedellas habrían refrenado

Participio presenteAnotado
restraining refrenando

Participio pasadoAnotado
restrained refrenado

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