Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de retreat

to retreatretirarse

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I retreatyo me retiro
you retreattú te retiras
he retreatsél se retira
she retreatsella se retira
we retreatnosotros nos retiramos
you retreatvosotros os retiráis
they retreatellos se retiran
they retreatellas se retiran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I retreatedyo me retiré
you retreatedtú te retiraste
he retreatedél se retiró
she retreatedella se retiró
we retreatednosotros nos retiramos
you retreatedvosotros os retirasteis
they retreatedellos se retiraron
they retreatedellas se retiraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have retreatedyo me he retirado
you have retreatedtú te has retirado
he has retreatedél se ha retirado
she has retreatedella se ha retirado
we have retreatednosotros nos hemos retirado
you have retreatedvosotros os habéis retirado
they have retreatedellos se han retirado
they have retreatedellas se han retirado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had retreatedyo me había retirado
you had retreatedtú te habías retirado
he had retreatedél se había retirado
she had retreatedella se había retirado
we had retreatednosotros nos habíamos retirado
you had retreatedvosotros os habíais retirado
they had retreatedellos se habían retirado
they had retreatedellas se habían retirado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will retreatyo me retiraré
you will retreattú te retirarás
he will retreatél se retirará
she will retreatella se retirará
we will retreatnosotros nos retiraremos
you will retreatvosotros os retiraréis
they will retreatellos se retirarán
they will retreatellas se retirarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have retreatedyo me habré retirado
you will have retreatedtú te habrás retirado
he will have retreatedél se habrá retirado
she will have retreatedella se habrá retirado
we will have retreatednosotros nos habremos retirado
you will have retreatedvosotros os habréis retirado
they will have retreatedellos se habrán retirado
they will have retreatedellas se habrán retirado

I would retreatyo me retiraría
you would retreattú te retirarías
he would retreatél se retiraría
she would retreatella se retiraría
we would retreatnosotros nos retiraríamos
you would retreatvosotros os retiraríais
they would retreatellos se retirarían
they would retreatellas se retirarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have retreatedyo me habría retirado
you would have retreatedtú te habrías retirado
he would have retreatedél se habría retirado
she would have retreatedella se habría retirado
we would have retreatednosotros nos habríamos retirado
you would have retreatedvosotros os habríais retirado
they would have retreatedellos se habrían retirado
they would have retreatedellas se habrían retirado

Participio presenteAnotado
retreating retirándose

Participio pasadoAnotado

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