Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de rob

to robrobar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I robyo robo
you robtú robas
he robsél roba
she robsella roba
we robnosotros robamos
you robvosotros robáis
they robellos roban
they robellas roban

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I robbedyo robé
you robbedtú robaste
he robbedél robó
she robbedella robó
we robbednosotros robamos
you robbedvosotros robasteis
they robbedellos robaron
they robbedellas robaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have robbedyo he robado
you have robbedtú has robado
he has robbedél ha robado
she has robbedella ha robado
we have robbednosotros hemos robado
you have robbedvosotros habéis robado
they have robbedellos han robado
they have robbedellas han robado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had robbedyo había robado
you had robbedtú habías robado
he had robbedél había robado
she had robbedella había robado
we had robbednosotros habíamos robado
you had robbedvosotros habíais robado
they had robbedellos habían robado
they had robbedellas habían robado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will robyo robaré
you will robtú robarás
he will robél robará
she will robella robará
we will robnosotros robaremos
you will robvosotros robaréis
they will robellos robarán
they will robellas robarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have robbedyo habré robado
you will have robbedtú habrás robado
he will have robbedél habrá robado
she will have robbedella habrá robado
we will have robbednosotros habremos robado
you will have robbedvosotros habréis robado
they will have robbedellos habrán robado
they will have robbedellas habrán robado

I would robyo robaría
you would robtú robarías
he would robél robaría
she would robella robaría
we would robnosotros robaríamos
you would robvosotros robaríais
they would robellos robarían
they would robellas robarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have robbedyo habría robado
you would have robbedtú habrías robado
he would have robbedél habría robado
she would have robbedella habría robado
we would have robbednosotros habríamos robado
you would have robbedvosotros habríais robado
they would have robbedellos habrían robado
they would have robbedellas habrían robado

Participio presenteAnotado
robbing robando

Participio pasadoAnotado
robbed robado

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