Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de row

to rowremar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I rowyo remo
you rowtú remas
he rowsél rema
she rowsella rema
we rownosotros remamos
you rowvosotros remáis
they rowellos reman
they rowellas reman

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I rowedyo remé
you rowedtú remaste
he rowedél remó
she rowedella remó
we rowednosotros remamos
you rowedvosotros remasteis
they rowedellos remaron
they rowedellas remaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have rowedyo he remado
you have rowedtú has remado
he has rowedél ha remado
she has rowedella ha remado
we have rowednosotros hemos remado
you have rowedvosotros habéis remado
they have rowedellos han remado
they have rowedellas han remado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had rowedyo había remado
you had rowedtú habías remado
he had rowedél había remado
she had rowedella había remado
we had rowednosotros habíamos remado
you had rowedvosotros habíais remado
they had rowedellos habían remado
they had rowedellas habían remado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will rowyo remaré
you will rowtú remarás
he will rowél remará
she will rowella remará
we will rownosotros remaremos
you will rowvosotros remaréis
they will rowellos remarán
they will rowellas remarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have rowedyo habré remado
you will have rowedtú habrás remado
he will have rowedél habrá remado
she will have rowedella habrá remado
we will have rowednosotros habremos remado
you will have rowedvosotros habréis remado
they will have rowedellos habrán remado
they will have rowedellas habrán remado

I would rowyo remaría
you would rowtú remarías
he would rowél remaría
she would rowella remaría
we would rownosotros remaríamos
you would rowvosotros remaríais
they would rowellos remarían
they would rowellas remarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have rowedyo habría remado
you would have rowedtú habrías remado
he would have rowedél habría remado
she would have rowedella habría remado
we would have rowednosotros habríamos remado
you would have rowedvosotros habríais remado
they would have rowedellos habrían remado
they would have rowedellas habrían remado

Participio presenteAnotado
rowing remando

Participio pasadoAnotado
rowed remado

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