Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de scratch

to scratchrascar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I scratchyo rasco
you scratchtú rascas
he scratchesél rasca
she scratchesella rasca
we scratchnosotros rascamos
you scratchvosotros rascáis
they scratchellos rascan
they scratchellas rascan

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I scratchedyo rasqué
you scratchedtú rascaste
he scratchedél rascó
she scratchedella rascó
we scratchednosotros rascamos
you scratchedvosotros rascasteis
they scratchedellos rascaron
they scratchedellas rascaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have scratchedyo he rascado
you have scratchedtú has rascado
he has scratchedél ha rascado
she has scratchedella ha rascado
we have scratchednosotros hemos rascado
you have scratchedvosotros habéis rascado
they have scratchedellos han rascado
they have scratchedellas han rascado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had scratchedyo había rascado
you had scratchedtú habías rascado
he had scratchedél había rascado
she had scratchedella había rascado
we had scratchednosotros habíamos rascado
you had scratchedvosotros habíais rascado
they had scratchedellos habían rascado
they had scratchedellas habían rascado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will scratchyo rascaré
you will scratchtú rascarás
he will scratchél rascará
she will scratchella rascará
we will scratchnosotros rascaremos
you will scratchvosotros rascaréis
they will scratchellos rascarán
they will scratchellas rascarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have scratchedyo habré rascado
you will have scratchedtú habrás rascado
he will have scratchedél habrá rascado
she will have scratchedella habrá rascado
we will have scratchednosotros habremos rascado
you will have scratchedvosotros habréis rascado
they will have scratchedellos habrán rascado
they will have scratchedellas habrán rascado

I would scratchyo rascaría
you would scratchtú rascarías
he would scratchél rascaría
she would scratchella rascaría
we would scratchnosotros rascaríamos
you would scratchvosotros rascaríais
they would scratchellos rascarían
they would scratchellas rascarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have scratchedyo habría rascado
you would have scratchedtú habrías rascado
he would have scratchedél habría rascado
she would have scratchedella habría rascado
we would have scratchednosotros habríamos rascado
you would have scratchedvosotros habríais rascado
they would have scratchedellos habrían rascado
they would have scratchedellas habrían rascado

Participio presenteAnotado
scratching rascando

Participio pasadoAnotado
scratched rascado

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