Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de smoke

to smokefumar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I smokeyo fumo
you smoketú fumas
he smokesél fuma
she smokesella fuma
we smokenosotros fumamos
you smokevosotros fumáis
they smokeellos fuman
they smokeellas fuman

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I smokedyo fumé
you smokedtú fumaste
he smokedél fumó
she smokedella fumó
we smokednosotros fumamos
you smokedvosotros fumasteis
they smokedellos fumaron
they smokedellas fumaron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have smokedyo he fumado
you have smokedtú has fumado
he has smokedél ha fumado
she has smokedella ha fumado
we have smokednosotros hemos fumado
you have smokedvosotros habéis fumado
they have smokedellos han fumado
they have smokedellas han fumado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had smokedyo había fumado
you had smokedtú habías fumado
he had smokedél había fumado
she had smokedella había fumado
we had smokednosotros habíamos fumado
you had smokedvosotros habíais fumado
they had smokedellos habían fumado
they had smokedellas habían fumado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will smokeyo fumaré
you will smoketú fumarás
he will smokeél fumará
she will smokeella fumará
we will smokenosotros fumaremos
you will smokevosotros fumaréis
they will smokeellos fumarán
they will smokeellas fumarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have smokedyo habré fumado
you will have smokedtú habrás fumado
he will have smokedél habrá fumado
she will have smokedella habrá fumado
we will have smokednosotros habremos fumado
you will have smokedvosotros habréis fumado
they will have smokedellos habrán fumado
they will have smokedellas habrán fumado

I would smokeyo fumaría
you would smoketú fumarías
he would smokeél fumaría
she would smokeella fumaría
we would smokenosotros fumaríamos
you would smokevosotros fumaríais
they would smokeellos fumarían
they would smokeellas fumarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have smokedyo habría fumado
you would have smokedtú habrías fumado
he would have smokedél habría fumado
she would have smokedella habría fumado
we would have smokednosotros habríamos fumado
you would have smokedvosotros habríais fumado
they would have smokedellos habrían fumado
they would have smokedellas habrían fumado

Participio presenteAnotado
smoking fumando

Participio pasadoAnotado
smoked fumado

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