Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de spell

to spelldeletrear

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I spellyo deletreo
you spelltú deletreas
he spellsél deletrea
she spellsella deletrea
we spellnosotros deletreamos
you spellvosotros deletreáis
they spellellos deletrean
they spellellas deletrean

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I spelledyo deletreé
you spelledtú deletreaste
he spelledél deletreó
she spelledella deletreó
we spellednosotros deletreamos
you spelledvosotros deletreasteis
they spelledellos deletrearon
they spelledellas deletrearon

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have spelledyo he deletreado
you have spelledtú has deletreado
he has spelledél ha deletreado
she has spelledella ha deletreado
we have spellednosotros hemos deletreado
you have spelledvosotros habéis deletreado
they have spelledellos han deletreado
they have spelledellas han deletreado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had spelledyo había deletreado
you had spelledtú habías deletreado
he had spelledél había deletreado
she had spelledella había deletreado
we had spellednosotros habíamos deletreado
you had spelledvosotros habíais deletreado
they had spelledellos habían deletreado
they had spelledellas habían deletreado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will spellyo deletrearé
you will spelltú deletrearás
he will spellél deletreará
she will spellella deletreará
we will spellnosotros deletrearemos
you will spellvosotros deletrearéis
they will spellellos deletrearán
they will spellellas deletrearán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have spelledyo habré deletreado
you will have spelledtú habrás deletreado
he will have spelledél habrá deletreado
she will have spelledella habrá deletreado
we will have spellednosotros habremos deletreado
you will have spelledvosotros habréis deletreado
they will have spelledellos habrán deletreado
they will have spelledellas habrán deletreado

I would spellyo deletrearía
you would spelltú deletrearías
he would spellél deletrearía
she would spellella deletrearía
we would spellnosotros deletrearíamos
you would spellvosotros deletrearíais
they would spellellos deletrearían
they would spellellas deletrearían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have spelledyo habría deletreado
you would have spelledtú habrías deletreado
he would have spelledél habría deletreado
she would have spelledella habría deletreado
we would have spellednosotros habríamos deletreado
you would have spelledvosotros habríais deletreado
they would have spelledellos habrían deletreado
they would have spelledellas habrían deletreado

Participio presenteAnotado
spelling deletreando

Participio pasadoAnotado
spelled deletreado

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