Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de survive

to survivesobrevivir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I surviveyo sobrevivo
you survivetú sobrevives
he survivesél sobrevive
she survivesella sobrevive
we survivenosotros sobrevivimos
you survivevosotros sobrevivís
they surviveellos sobreviven
they surviveellas sobreviven

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I survivedyo sobreviví
you survivedtú sobreviviste
he survivedél sobrevivió
she survivedella sobrevivió
we survivednosotros sobrevivimos
you survivedvosotros sobrevivisteis
they survivedellos sobrevivieron
they survivedellas sobrevivieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have survivedyo he sobrevivido
you have survivedtú has sobrevivido
he has survivedél ha sobrevivido
she has survivedella ha sobrevivido
we have survivednosotros hemos sobrevivido
you have survivedvosotros habéis sobrevivido
they have survivedellos han sobrevivido
they have survivedellas han sobrevivido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had survivedyo había sobrevivido
you had survivedtú habías sobrevivido
he had survivedél había sobrevivido
she had survivedella había sobrevivido
we had survivednosotros habíamos sobrevivido
you had survivedvosotros habíais sobrevivido
they had survivedellos habían sobrevivido
they had survivedellas habían sobrevivido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will surviveyo sobreviviré
you will survivetú sobrevivirás
he will surviveél sobrevivirá
she will surviveella sobrevivirá
we will survivenosotros sobreviviremos
you will survivevosotros sobreviviréis
they will surviveellos sobrevivirán
they will surviveellas sobrevivirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have survivedyo habré sobrevivido
you will have survivedtú habrás sobrevivido
he will have survivedél habrá sobrevivido
she will have survivedella habrá sobrevivido
we will have survivednosotros habremos sobrevivido
you will have survivedvosotros habréis sobrevivido
they will have survivedellos habrán sobrevivido
they will have survivedellas habrán sobrevivido

I would surviveyo sobreviviría
you would survivetú sobrevivirías
he would surviveél sobreviviría
she would surviveella sobreviviría
we would survivenosotros sobreviviríamos
you would survivevosotros sobreviviríais
they would surviveellos sobrevivirían
they would surviveellas sobrevivirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have survivedyo habría sobrevivido
you would have survivedtú habrías sobrevivido
he would have survivedél habría sobrevivido
she would have survivedella habría sobrevivido
we would have survivednosotros habríamos sobrevivido
you would have survivedvosotros habríais sobrevivido
they would have survivedellos habrían sobrevivido
they would have survivedellas habrían sobrevivido

Participio presenteAnotado
surviving sobreviviendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
survived sobrevivido

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