Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de undergo

to undergosubir

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I undergoyo subo
you undergotú subes
he undergoesél sube
she undergoesella sube
we undergonosotros subimos
you undergovosotros subís
they undergoellos suben
they undergoellas suben

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I underwentyo subí
you underwenttú subiste
he underwentél subió
she underwentella subió
we underwentnosotros subimos
you underwentvosotros subisteis
they underwentellos subieron
they underwentellas subieron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have undergoneyo he subido
you have undergonetú has subido
he has undergoneél ha subido
she has undergoneella ha subido
we have undergonenosotros hemos subido
you have undergonevosotros habéis subido
they have undergoneellos han subido
they have undergoneellas han subido

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had undergoneyo había subido
you had undergonetú habías subido
he had undergoneél había subido
she had undergoneella había subido
we had undergonenosotros habíamos subido
you had undergonevosotros habíais subido
they had undergoneellos habían subido
they had undergoneellas habían subido

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will undergoyo subiré
you will undergotú subirás
he will undergoél subirá
she will undergoella subirá
we will undergonosotros subiremos
you will undergovosotros subiréis
they will undergoellos subirán
they will undergoellas subirán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have undergoneyo habré subido
you will have undergonetú habrás subido
he will have undergoneél habrá subido
she will have undergoneella habrá subido
we will have undergonenosotros habremos subido
you will have undergonevosotros habréis subido
they will have undergoneellos habrán subido
they will have undergoneellas habrán subido

I would undergoyo subiría
you would undergotú subirías
he would undergoél subiría
she would undergoella subiría
we would undergonosotros subiríamos
you would undergovosotros subiríais
they would undergoellos subirían
they would undergoellas subirían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have undergoneyo habría subido
you would have undergonetú habrías subido
he would have undergoneél habría subido
she would have undergoneella habría subido
we would have undergonenosotros habríamos subido
you would have undergonevosotros habríais subido
they would have undergoneellos habrían subido
they would have undergoneellas habrían subido

Participio presenteAnotado
undergoing subiendo

Participio pasadoAnotado
undergone subido

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