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La palabra inglés para agudo es


Definición inglesa

     1. adj. sharp, pointed, acute (terminating in a point or edge, especially one that can cut easily)
           El cuchillo tenía la punta muy aguda. - The knife had a very sharp point.
     2. adj. acute, sharp, witty, keen (intelligent)
           ¡Siempre tiene dichos tan agudos! - He's always making such witty remarks!
     3. adj. (of pain) sharp, stabbing, acute, severe
     4. adj. (pathology) acute (sudden and intense)
     5. adj. acute, sharp (sensitive)
           visión aguda - sharp eyesight
     6. adj. (sound) high, high-pitched, shrill, sharp, piercing
           (antonym, grave)
     7. adj. (geometry) acute
     8. adj. (phonetics) having the voiced accent on the last syllable
     9. adj. (geometry, of an angle) acute (less than 90 degrees)
           Las calles forman un ángulo agudo. - The two streets form an acute angle.

Traducciones de agudo y sus definiciones

sharp ©
     1. adj. Afilado.
     2. adj. Puntiagudo.
     3. adj. Nítido.

acute ©
     1. adj. Agudo, preciso.


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