1. v. (intransitive) Especially of a liquid, to become solid due to low temperature.
2. v. To lower something's temperature to the point that it freezes or becomes hard.
Don't freeze meat twice.
3. v. (intransitive) To drop to a temperature below zero degrees celsius, where water turns to ice.
It didn't freeze this winter, but last winter was very harsh.
4. v. (intransitive, informal) To be affected by extreme cold.
It's freezing in here!
Don't go outside wearing just a t-shirt; you'll freeze!
5. v. (intransitive) (of machines and software) To come to a sudden halt, stop working (functioning).
Since the last update, the program freezes / freezes up after a few minutes of use.
6. v. (intransitive) (of people and other animals) To stop (become motionless) or be stopped due to attentiveness, fear, surprise, etc.
Despite all of the rehearsals, I froze up as soon as I got on stage.
7. v. To cause someone to become motionless.
8. v. (figuratively) To lose or cause to lose warmth of feeling; to shut out; to ostracize.
Over time, he froze towards her, and ceased to react to her friendly advances.
9. v. To cause loss of animation or life in, from lack of heat; to give the sensation of cold to; to chill.
10. v. To prevent the movement or liquidation of a person's financial assets
The court froze the criminal's bank account.
11. s. A period of intensely cold weather.
12. s. A halt of a regular operation.
13. s. (computer) The state when either a single computer program, or the whole system ceases to respond to inputs.
14. s. (curling) A precise draw weight shot where a delivered stone comes to a stand-still against a stationary stone, making it nearly impossible to knock out.
15. s. (specifically, in finance) A block on pay rises.
16. s. obsolete form of frieze
1. escarcha
1. s. A cover of minute ice crystals on objects that are exposed to the air. Frost is formed by the same process as dew, except that the temperature of the frosted object is below freezing.
2. s. The cold weather that causes these ice crystals to form.
3. s. (figurative) Coldness or insensibility; severity or rigidity of character.
4. s. (obsolete) The act of freezing; the congelation of water or other liquid.
5. s. A shade of white, like that of frost.
(color panel, ECFCFC)
6. s. (slang) A disappointment; a cheat.
7. v. To cover with frost.
8. v. (intransitive) To become covered with frost.
9. v. To coat (something, e.g. a cake) with icing to resemble frost.
10. v. To anger or annoy.
I think the boss's decision frosted him a bit.
11. v. To sharpen (the points of a horse's shoe) to prevent it from slipping on ice.