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La palabra inglés para mirar es


Definición inglesa

     1. v. to look at (to try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes)
     2. v. to watch (to look at, view, or observe for a period of time)
           Estábamos mirando la televisión. - We were watching TV.
     3. v. to watch (to mind, attend, or guard)
     4. v. to consider, think over (to think about seriously)
     5. v. (used for emphasis); look
           ¡Mira qué linda! - How pretty!
           ¡Mirad! Este es el hombre quien hurta entre vosotros, a él se le debe atribuir esto. - Behold! This is the man who is stealing amongst you all, to him this must be attributed.
           ¡Mirad! Allí está el que os engaño, ¡agarradlo todos vosotros! - Look! There is the one who deceived you all, all of you, get him!
     6. v. to seek, look for (to try to find)
     7. v. to look (to try to see something, to pay attention with one’s eyes)
     8. v. to face, overlook (to be oriented towards a certain direction or thing)
     9. v. to look at oneself

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