La palabra inglés para mirar es

Definición inglesa
mirar | |
1. v. to look at (to try to see, to pay attention to with one’s eyes) | |
2. v. to watch (to look at, view, or observe for a period of time) | |
Estábamos mirando la televisión. - We were watching TV. | |
3. v. to watch (to mind, attend, or guard) | |
4. v. to consider, think over (to think about seriously) | |
5. v. (used for emphasis); look | |
¡Mira qué linda! - How pretty! | |
¡Mirad! Este es el hombre quien hurta entre vosotros, a él se le debe atribuir esto. - Behold! This is the man who is stealing amongst you all, to him this must be attributed. | |
¡Mirad! Allí está el que os engaño, ¡agarradlo todos vosotros! - Look! There is the one who deceived you all, all of you, get him! | |
6. v. to seek, look for (to try to find) | |
7. v. to look (to try to see something, to pay attention with one’s eyes) | |
8. v. to face, overlook (to be oriented towards a certain direction or thing) | |
9. v. to look at oneself |
Traducciones de mirar y sus definiciones
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