4. adj. Propio o relacionado con la pared, muro, muralla.
5. Encerrar en paredes.
6. Emparedar.
7. Cerrar con una pared un muro, etcétera.
1. s. A rampart of earth, stones etc. built up for defensive purposes.
2. s. A structure built for defense surrounding a city, castle etc.
The town wall was surrounded by a moat.
3. s. Each of the substantial structures acting either as the exterior of or divisions within a structure.
We're adding another wall in this room during the remodeling. The wind blew against the walls of the tent.
4. s. A point of desperation.
5. s. A point of defeat or extinction.
6. s. An impediment to free movement.
A wall of police officers met the protesters before they reached the capitol steps.
As Goebbels put it, “We want to build a wall, a protective wall.” , Timothy Snyder, The New York Times, June 14, 2018, How Did the Nazis Gain Power in Germany?
7. s. A type of butterfly.
8. s. (often, in combination) A barrier.
a seawall; a firewall
9. s. A barrier to vision.
10. s. Something with the apparent solidity and dimensions of a building wall.
a wall of sound; a wall of water
11. s. (anatomy, zoology, botany) A divisive or containing structure in an organ or cavity.
12. s. (auction) A fictional bidder used to increase the price at an auction.
Synonyms: chandelier
13. s. (US, slang) A doctor who tries to admit as few patients as possible.
14. s. (soccer) A line of defenders set up between an opposing free-kick taker and the goal.
15. s. (Internet) A personal notice board listing messages of interest to a particular user.
16. v. To enclose with a wall
He walled the study with books.
17. v. (with "in") To enclose by surrounding with walls.
They had walled in the garden
18. v. (with "off") To separate with a wall
The previous owners had walled off two rooms, making an apartment.
19. v. (with "up") To seal with a wall
They walled up the basement space that had been used as a coal bin.
20. v. To boil.
21. v. To well, as water; spring.
22. s. (chiefly dialectal) A spring of water.
23. s. (nautical) A kind of knot often used at the end of a rope; a wall knot or wale.