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La palabra inglés para tocar es


Definición inglesa

     1. v. to touch
     2. v. to play (a musical instrument)
           Ella toca el piano. - She plays the piano.
     3. v. (impersonal, transitive) to be someone's time or turn
           Ahora me toca jugar. - Now it's my turn to play.
           te toca a ti - it's your turn
     4. v. to knock
           tocar la puerta - to knock on the door
     5. v. to honk
           tocar la bocina - to honk the horn
     6. v. to ring
           tocar un timbre - to ring a doorbell
     7. v. to touch on (mention briefly)
     8. v. to touch (affect emotionally)
     9. v. to bunt
     10. v. to comb or dress one's hair
     11. v. to don a hat, scarf or other head covering

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