inglés > español | |
pine | |
1. s. Pino. | |
2. Estar triste de añoranza o deseo. | |
inglés > inglés | |
pine | |
1. s. Any coniferous tree of the genus Pinus. |  |
The northern slopes were covered mainly in pine. |  |
2. s. Any tree (usually coniferous) which resembles a member of this genus in some respect. |  |
3. s. The wood of this tree. |  |
4. s. (archaic, except, South Africa) A pineapple. |  |
5. s. (archaic) A painful longing. |  |
6. v. To feel irritated; to reflect on a problem; to think something over. |  |
7. v. To languish; to lose flesh or wear away through distress; to droop. |  |
8. v. (intransitive) To long, to yearn so much that it causes suffering. |  |
Laura was pining for Bill all the time he was gone. |  |
9. v. To grieve or mourn for. |  |
10. v. To inflict pain upon; to torment; to torture; to afflict. |  |
español > inglés | |
pino | |
1. n-m. pine |  |